Here is what a typical day is like for three siblings, Tucker, Chloe, and Olivia, at Oklahoma Connections Academy.

The decision to come here, and stay here
When COVID-19 caused their three children’s public schools to switch to online learning, this family wasn’t satisfied. They felt the online experience provided by the kids’ bricks-and-mortar public schools was complicated and didn’t allow for enough teacher support and encouragement.
The family is delighted with the education the kids are getting at Oklahoma Connections Academy, as well as with the supportive environment and flexibility of the school. The kids are thriving and happy and that makes their parents feel good, too.
Learning Coach
Mother and Father
School Schedule
- 8:00 a.m. — Eat breakfast, get dressed, take care of chores.
9:30 a.m. — Log in to Pearson Online Classroom. Chloe and Olivia work on their lessons and attend LiveLesson® sessions (if scheduled). Tucker plays in his room or outside, works on intervention activities/portfolios/physical activity, and attends required LiveLesson® session for speech and reading.
1:30 p.m. — Provide mom with an update on lessons and have lunch.
2:00 p.m. — Chloe and Olivia have “me time” for art, reading, swinging, etc. Tucker works on his lessons.
5:00 p.m. — Family time (dinner; mom and dad review assignments, mark lessons complete, mark attendance, check notebooks; play games, play with dogs, workout, etc.).
Type of Learner
Teachers Who Teach, Students Who Learn
“The online platform of Oklahoma Connections Academy is a lot more understandable and easier to follow than at my last school," says Chloe. "I especially like that I have just one login. I connect with other students through LiveLesson® meetings. I also have WebMail friends.
We've decided to stay at Oklahoma Connections Academy. That’s because I actually learn things here, like division, and I don’t have to worry about being picked on or bullied.”
The teachers here actually want their students to learn and are encouraging.
— Chloe

Type of Learner
More Teacher Support Means More Learning
Says Olivia, “Making the move to an online school was challenging at first, mainly because I simply didn’t like school. But the Oklahoma Connections Academy platform is easy to use, especially with just one login, and it’s also easy to message my teachers. One way I stay connected to other students is with LiveLesson® meetings.
The teachers believe in me and I’m actually learning. I’m getting support I didn’t get in my old school and am getting better grades.”
“My experience here is awesome. I’m getting more help and I’m not getting bullied anymore. I like how I can go at my own pace.”
— Olivia
Type of Learner
Easy Does It at Connections Academy
“Oklahoma Connections Academy makes things easy," says Tucker. "It’s easy to follow, and I like that there’s just one login. It’s also easy to message my teachers. I like chatting with my teachers and other students in LiveLesson® sessions and have even gone on field trips.
Originally, mom and dad weren’t sure I would stay at Connections Academy after COVID-19 since I was used to going to school every day, but I like being at home. My teachers are nice.”
I really like the subjects, the LiveLesson® meetings, and the phone calls with my teachers.
— Tucker

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